
ana cristina

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Porto 3

Livraria Lello - considerada uma das mais bonitas livrarias do mundo. Ela parece toda de madeira mais e pintada para parecer madeira.

Lello Bookstore - Opened in 1906 , it's considered one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world. It is all plaster cast maid to look like timber.  It is an amazing.

Igreja Torre dos Clerigos - The highest monument of Porto. We ascended to the top of the tower where there's a magnificent view of the city.

 Depois de subir as escadas ainda tinha folego para mais uma foto.

As belissimas igrejas do Carmo e das Carmelitas.

Igreja das Carmelitas was built in 1616.

Azuleijos do lado de fora da igreja das carmelitas. Todos os azuleijos sao lindissimos - ficavamos horas admirando.

Tiles on the exterior of the Carmelitas Church.

Se Cathedral - built in the 12th century, with tiles dating back to the 18th century.

Plaza Don Infante

Igreja de Sao Francisco - Built in 1383. The interior of the church contains an estimated 600kg of gold and catacombs beneath. It's the only example of Gothic architecture in Porto.

Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar em Vila Nova Gaia  vista  de  Porto.

Monastery - built in 1538 this  monastery is now  military headquarters with a panoramic  view of  the  city.

Porto 2

Eu tirei tantas fotos de Porto - que tenho vontade de colocar todas. eu realmente fiquei impressionada com a cidade. Gostei de tudo e comi muito bacalhau, bolinho e varios tipos de peixes.

Foto tirada do hotel - Cais da Ribeira

We stayed in Ribeira, the part of the city near the river, which is also a good place to start visiting the World Heritage area.
Our hotel was comfortable and conveniently placed.

Porto is often known as City of Bridges. We took a boat tour along the Douro River to see  the six  bridges.

Porto visto do barco.

Nosso hotel e o amarelo que fica na esquina.

The  yellow  building  on the  left  of  the  photo  is the hotel where we stayed at.

Peter acenando para chamar atencao na foto..

The other side the Douro River there is a town call New Gaia Village, where  all the famous Porto  Wine stored  and  aged.
We  visited  one of  them.

Porto wine, is named after the city because it is produced in, and shipped from the area or, more precisely, from Vila Nova da Gaia.


Nos passamos 3 otimos dias em Porto - eu acho que ajuda muito voce ficar num hotel otimo e bem localizado.
Nosso hotel  ficava na Ribeira na beira do rio Douro  - onde tudo acontece em Porto. A cidade tem uma otima atmosfera e e cheia de charm.

Porto also known as Oporto in English, is Portugal's second city and the capital of north region. The city is located in the estuary of the Douro river.

Igreja dos Congregados com a frente toda azuleijada.

The historic centre of Porto was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco, in 1996.

Sao Bento Central Station - very beautiful station.

the historic tile-adorned S.Bento train station.

Avenida dos Aliados  onde tem varios  predios  historicos.

Ate a faixada do  McDonalds e bonita  em  Porto e tb fica na Av. dos  Aliados.

Ainda a  Av. dos  Aliados.

The buildings in the Liberdade Square and the Avenida dos Aliados.

Cafe Majestic - na rua de pedestre Santa Catarina.

Luxurious cafe truthful to its origins of the 1920's. It is in the pedestrian commercial Santa Catarina street.

Capela das Almas - Beautiful chapel with 360m2 of typical tiles.