
ana cristina

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Porto 3

Livraria Lello - considerada uma das mais bonitas livrarias do mundo. Ela parece toda de madeira mais e pintada para parecer madeira.

Lello Bookstore - Opened in 1906 , it's considered one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world. It is all plaster cast maid to look like timber.  It is an amazing.

Igreja Torre dos Clerigos - The highest monument of Porto. We ascended to the top of the tower where there's a magnificent view of the city.

 Depois de subir as escadas ainda tinha folego para mais uma foto.

As belissimas igrejas do Carmo e das Carmelitas.

Igreja das Carmelitas was built in 1616.

Azuleijos do lado de fora da igreja das carmelitas. Todos os azuleijos sao lindissimos - ficavamos horas admirando.

Tiles on the exterior of the Carmelitas Church.

Se Cathedral - built in the 12th century, with tiles dating back to the 18th century.

Plaza Don Infante

Igreja de Sao Francisco - Built in 1383. The interior of the church contains an estimated 600kg of gold and catacombs beneath. It's the only example of Gothic architecture in Porto.

Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar em Vila Nova Gaia  vista  de  Porto.

Monastery - built in 1538 this  monastery is now  military headquarters with a panoramic  view of  the  city.

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